Wednesday 30 March 2011


Samples are coming soon! I'll start with glowing text and backgrounds, but i'll make borders and such too. If you've got anything you want a sample of, send me what size, colour, etc. and I'll make it and add it to the soon-to-be Samples page! :)

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Copying & Copiers!

Please, whatever you do, do NOT copy my presentations. I put hours of work into them, and its not fair when people steal them without my permission. If you want a presentation, just ask and I'll make you one. But you can't go around stealing my work. If you copy my presentations, I will report you without hesitation.

Candyroxy copied my presentation. I've asked her to take it down, and she did! So she's off the hook. :)

Sunday 6 March 2011


Some of you've been wondering how to drag the presentation from the HTML editor to your Stardoll presentation. So here it goes. 

1. Open up one tab with the HTML editor and another with Stardoll. On Stardoll, go to your suite and edit your presentation like normal.
2. In the HTML editor, on the top part before your code, write Start. On the bottom half of the editor, highlight your presentation starting from where you wrote Start. 
3. Drag it up into the Stardoll tab, and let it go in the presentation editing area. You can write whatever you want to go in your presentation on Stardoll, I find it easier that way.

** Don't copy&paste. It never works for me. :\ If you're still having trouble, let me know.

Saturday 5 March 2011

The Basics

Hey everyone!
Here are a few basic things you need for making your presentations.
Mozilla Firefox: This is a type of internet browser. If you don't already have it on your computer, you can download it for free on the Mozilla Firefox website.
There are a few websites you will NEED to use every time you make a presentation. They are:
The first one is where you'll put the codes, and the second one is where you get the colour codes. This might seem really confusing at first, but I promise you it won't be too bad. It's actually quite fun! :)